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Chaos Black Crusade Fleet List

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idk, Abaddon?


The Chaos Black Crusade Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Chaos Black Crusade Fleet Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

Chaos Fleets uses the Chaos Commanders and Chaos Boarding Actions special rules. Chaos Incursion fleets may incorporate renegade Imperial Navy vessels according to the Renegade Imperial Vessels rules. Chaos vessels that purchase Chaos Space Marine Crew use the Chaos Space Marine Crew special rules, and carriers with Chaos Space Marine Crew may refit to carry Thunderhawk Gunships at the cost of halving the capacity of all launch bays (round down). Daemon Ships use the Daemon Ships special rules. If Abaddon the Despoiler is taken as a fleet commander, he uses the Abaddon special rules. The Planet Killer uses the Armageddon Gun special rules.

Chaos Commanders

A Chaos Warmaster (as opposed to a Lord) must always be used as a fleet commander in any Chaos fleet list that requires the use of a fleet commander. Under no circumstance can a Chaos Lord be placed on the same ship as a Warmaster.

Renegade Imperial Vessels

For every 1,500 points in a Chaos fleet, one cruiser from any Imperial Navy fleet list up to 185 points and/or up to six Imperial Navy escorts may be taken. Special weapon rules, Nova Cannon, Chaos Lords, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos ordnance or Daemonship upgrades may not be taken for Imperial Navy vessels used in this manner, and cruisers suffer -1Ld for going renegade. Imperial Navy escorts need not be in a single squadron and may be interspersed within other Chaos escort squadrons if desired. These vessels do not count as reserves; they count as Chaos vessels in all respects.

Chaos Space Marine Crew

A vessel with a Chaos Space Marine crew will have +1 Leadership (in addition to any other bonuses due to there being a Chaos Warmaster or Chaos Lord on board). Furthermore the maximum Leadership of the vessel is increased to 10.
Boarding and Hit-&-run
The superior fighting skills of the Chaos Space Marines are most apparent in boarding actions. A ship with a Chaos Space Marine crew adds +2 to its roll (this replaces the standard +1 bonus for Chaos vessels) when performing boarding actions, and enemy conducting hit & run attacks against them subtract one from their hit & run result. Hit and run attacks launched by boarding torpedoes, Dreadclaws, Thunderhawks or teleportation originating from such a ship add 1 to their result.
Planetary Assault
Ships with Chaos Space Marine crews in a Planetary Assault mission score two Assault Points for every turn they spend landing troops.
Terminator Teleport Assault
Battleships and grand cruisers with Chaos Space Marine Crews may embark Chosen Terminators for +10 pts, allowing them to roll two dice when conducting hit and run teleport attacks and select which one they wish to count.
Marks of Chaos
A ship with a Chaos Space Marine crew may have a Mark of Chaos, even if a Warmaster or Lord does not captain it.
Capital Ship Squadrons
If capital ships are grouped as squadrons then each squadron may only contain a single Warmaster or Lord and that ship must lead the squadron. Similarly a squadron may not include ships with different Marks of Chaos.

Chaos Black Crusade Fleet List

The Chaos Black Crusade Fleet has an attack rating of ?.

Fleet Commander
You must include 1 Chaos Warmaster in your fleet, who must be assigned to the most expensive ship in the fleet.
Type Cost Notes
Abaddon (Ld 10) 195
  • May only be taken in a fleet worth 1000 points or more.
  • Receives one re-roll per turn
  • See Abaddon special rules.
Chaos Warmaster (Ld +2) 100
  • +2 to rolled Leadership, to a maximum of 9
  • Has one reroll. May purchase an additional re-roll for +25 pts
  • May take a single Mark of Chaos (as below)
Any capital ship, apart from that of the Warmaster, may be captained by a Chaos Lord. If so then add +1 to the Leadership rolled for the ship at the start of the game subject to a maximum of 9.
Chaos Lord (Ld +1) 25
  • May be given a re-roll (which can only be used for his own ship or squadron) for +25 pts
  • May take a single Mark of Chaos (as below)
Chaos Warmasters and Chaos Lords may be given up to one Mark of Chaos.
Type Cost Notes
Mark of Slaanesh 25Enemy ships within 15cm suffer -2 to their Ld.
Mark of Khorne 20The ship doubles its value in boarding actions and adds +1 to any rolls for inflicting critical damage in a boarding action.
Mark of Tzeentch 25Gain an extra re-roll.
Mark of Nurgle 35The ship gains 1 damage point and may not be boarded.
Capital Ships
You may include up to one battleship in your fleet for every three cruisers or heavy cruisers.
Type Cost Options
0–1 Planet Killer 505 pts
  • May only be taken in fleets of over 1000 pts
Chaos battle barge 410 pts
  • May exchange weapon batteries for 45cm FP8 or 30cm FP10 batteries at no cost.
  • May exchange prow lance for S8 prow torpedoes for +10 pts.
  • May exchange dorsal lance for 45cm S4 variant for +10 pts.
Despoiler-class battleship 400 pts May replace prow lance battery with S8 torpedoes for +10 pts.
Desolator-class battleship 300 pts
You may include up to one grand cruiser in your fleet for every three cruisers or heavy cruisers.
Type Cost Options
Repulsive-class grand cruiser 230 pts
  • May increase dorsal lance range to 45cm for +10pts.
  • May add a third shield for +15pts when modelled on a large (60 mm) base.
Vengeance-class grand cruiser 230 pts
Retaliator-class grand cruiser 260 pts
Executor-class grand cruiser 210 pts
You may include up to one heavy cruiser in your fleet for every two cruisers.
Type Cost Options
Styx-class heavy cruiser 260 pts
Hades-class heavy cruiser 200 pts
Acheron-class heavy cruiser 190 pts
Hecate-class heavy cruiser 230 pts
You may include 0–12 cruisers in your fleet.
Type Cost Options
Devastation-class cruiser 190 pts
Murder-class cruiser 170 pts May replace FP10 weapon batteries with FP4 batteries and S2 lance batteries at no cost (no more than two per 750 pts).
Carnage-class cruiser 180 pts
Slaughter-class cruiser 165 pts
Inferno-class cruiser 180 pts
Chaos Space Marine crew
Any capital ship can be designated as having a Chaos Space Marine crew at +35 points. The ship will be subject to the Chaos Space Marine Crew special rules. A ship with a Chaos Space Marine crew may have a Mark of Chaos, even if a Warmaster or Lord does not captain it.
For an extra 10 points, battleships and grand cruisers with Chaos Space Marine Warmasters, Lords or crews may include Chosen Terminators.
Any number of capital ships in your fleet may be upgraded to a Daemon ship at the additional points cost shown, based upon the type of vessel chosen. Daemonships use the Daemonships special rules.
Class Cost Options
Grand Cruiser30
Heavy Cruiser25
You may include any number of escorts.
Class Cost Options
Idolator-class raider 45 pts
Infidel-class raider 40 pts
Iconoclast-class destroyer 30 pts
Ships with launch bays can have a mixture of Swiftdeath fighters, Doomfire bombers or Dreadclaw assault craft. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with normal and boarding torpedoes.
A ship with a Chaos Space Marine crew may be equipped with Thunderhawk Gunships but if so it may only carry Thunderhawks and may not launch Swiftdeaths, Doomfires and Dreadclaws. Furthermore the launch capacity of the ship’s bays’ is halved (round down). This is because the launch bays have to be substantially rebuilt to deal with the larger Thunderhawks.

Chaos Black Crusade Fleet Forces

Iconoclast Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Weapons battery 45cm 3 L/F/R
Infidel Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow wpns battery 30cm 2 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 2 Front
Idolator Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Prow wpns battery 45cm 2 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 1 Front

Does not suffer a column shift for firing over 30cm.

Slaughter Cruiser/8 30cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port lance battery 30cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 30cm 2 Right
Port wpns battery 30cm 8 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 8 Right
Prow wpns battery 30cm 6 L/F/R

Moves 5D6cm on All Ahead Full special orders.

Carnage Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port wpns battery 45cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 6 Right
Port wpns battery 60cm 4 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 4 Right
Prow wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Murder Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port wpns battery 45cm 10 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 10 Right
Prow lance battery 60cm 2 Front

May replace FP10 weapon batteries with FP4 batteries and S2 lance batteries at no cost (no more than two per 750 pts).

Devastation Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Port lance battery 60cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 2 Right
Prow wpns battery 30cm 6 L/F/R
Inferno Cruiser/8 30cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port lance battery 30cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 30cm 2 Right
Port wpns battery 45cm 4 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 4 Right
Prow wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Hecate Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Port wpns battery 45cm 4 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 4 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 2 L/F/R
Prow wpns battery 45cm 6 L/F/R
Acheron Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port lance battery 60cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 2 Right
Dorsal lance battery 45cm 2 L/F/R
Prow wpns battery 45cm 6 L/F/R
Hades Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port wpns battery 45cm 10 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 10 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 2 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 60cm 2 Front
Styx Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 2 L/F/R
Prow wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Repulsive Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port wpns battery 45cm 14 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 14 Right
Dorsal lance battery 30cm 3 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 6 Front

May increase dorsal lance range to 45cm for +10pts. May add a third shield for +15pts when modelled on a large (60 mm) base.

Vengeance Grand Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
Port lance battery 45cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 45cm 2 Right
Port wpns battery 60cm 10 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 10 Right

Ignore Prow critical results.

Retaliator Grand Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
Port wpns battery 30cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 6 Right
Port lance battery 45cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 45cm 2 Right
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)

Ignore Prow critical results. May be equipped with improved thrusters for 5D6cm move on All Ahead Full at no cost.

Executor Grand Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 3 5+ 3
Port lance battery 30cm 4 Left
Stbd lance battery 30cm 4 Right
Port lance battery 45cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 45cm 2 Right

Ignore Prow critical results.

Despoiler Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 4
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 4
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Port wpns battery 60cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 6 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 3 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 4 Front

May not Come To New Heading. May replace prow lance battery with S8 torpedoes for +10 pts.

Desolator Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port lance battery 60cm 4 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 4 Right
Dorsal wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 9 Front

May not Come To New Heading.

Chaos Battle Barge Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port wpns battery 60cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 6 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 3 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 4 Front
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Prow launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)

May not Come To New Heading. May exchange weapon batteries for 45cm FP8 or 30cm FP10 at no cost. May exchange prow lance for S8 prow torpedoes for +10 pts. May exchange dorsal lance for 45cm S4 variant for +10 pts. See Fleet List for additional options.

Planet Killer Battleship/14 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port wpns battery 60cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 6 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Prow wpns battery 60cm 12 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 9 L/F/R
Armageddon gun 90cm See rules Front
  • Armageddon Gun

May not Come To New Heading.

Chaos Boarding Actions

Chaos ships have a +1 boarding modifier. A ship with Chaos Space Marine crew has a +2 boarding modifier (before all other modifiers are applied normally).

Daemon Ships

A Daemon ship may never be commanded by a Warmaster or a Chaos Lord. A Daemon ship may never have a Chaos Space Marine crew. Daemon ships cannot carry Exterminatus weapons and do not score any points for landing troops in a planetary assault. Daemonships cannot be used in squadrons. Any Daemon ship may have a single Mark of Chaos with the same effects and cost in points as described in the Battlefleet Gothic rulebook.
Warp Translation
A Daemonship may be kept off table at the start of a game while the rest of the fleet is deployed. In the End phase of any Chaos turn after the first, the Daemon Ship may enter play from the Warp as follows:
Select a friendly or enemy Capital ship, and position the Daemonship within 20 cm of the chosen vessel facing in any direction. Next, roll 4D6 and a Scatter dice and reposition the Daemonship accordingly, keeping the ship on the same heading. A Daemonship cannot be forced to disengage by a scatter roll that places it off the table. If a Daemonship scatters off the table when deploying, place the Daemonship so that its base is completely on the table on the point of the table edge indicated by the scatter dice, facing any direction. If a ‘Hit’ is rolled on the Scatter dice, then the Daemonship arrives on target. The arriving Daemonship is unaffected by celestial phenomena and does not trigger attack by ordnance markers it may happen to land on. If it would appear in contact with an enemy vessel, reposition it by up to 1 cm so that it is out of contact.
Spectral Daemonships
When first placed on the table, a Daemonship is spectral. Any enemy vessel attempting a special order when within 15 cm of the Daemonship is at -1 Leadership (if the ship also has a Mark of Slaanesh the penalties are cumulative). The Daemonship cannot move, shoot, board or conduct any action in any way, though any Marks it may have still take effect immediately. It also may not be shot at, boarded, rammed or have any action done to it while spectral. At the end of any subsequent Chaos End phase the Daemonship may complete the translation to real space on a D6 roll of 2+. This final translation cannot be made if the Daemonship is in contact with an enemy vessel. No actions can be undertaken in the End phase during which final translation occurs. From this point on the Daemonship is solid and fights like a normal ship. If a Daemon ship fully materializes in contact with celestial phenomena, it suffers any effects of those celestial phenomena, such as gas clouds, asteroid fields, etc. before the start of its movement phase. However, if it materializes in an asteroid field, it may then attempt to avoid damage by making a leadership check normally.
A Daemonship may disengage at the end of any Chaos Movement phase without having to make any dice roll. It simply drops back into the Warp leaving no trace. A disengaged Daemonship may re-enter play on any Chaos turn following the one in which it disengages. This is done following the translation rules detailed above. When a Daemonship is ‘haunting’ or is spectral it can still suffer damage from fire critical hits. If it was damaged when it disengaged it may be repaired when it returns, roll a D6:
1–3 No change
4–5 +1 hull point
6 +2 hull points

Add +1 to the roll if it is a battleship, and +1 for each full turn the Daemonship spent in the Warp. In addition to repairing damage, they may repair critical hits while in the warp rolling normally, repairing critical damage on a 4+ as opposed to a 6. However, Daemonships may not make repair rolls in the end phase they are first deployed when returning into play. If Daemonships repair enough hits while “haunting” to no longer be crippled, they will still count as disengaged for purposes of victory points but will no longer count as crippled. A returning Daemonship cannot come back with more hits than it could normally have. At the end of the game a Daemonship which disengaged (even just once) will count as having disengaged for Victory points purposes, unless of course it is destroyed or crippled when the normal rules apply.

Daemonships in Campaigns
Daemonships do not automatically regain hits after each battle. They have to be regained either in a game by warp translation or by expending repair points, or they can be withdrawn normally.

Thunderhawk Gunships

Thunderhawks and Enemy Ordnance
Thunderhawk gunships combine the abilities of assault boats and fighters, and move like any other attack craft, with a speed of 20cm. A Thunderhawk counter that is intercepted by enemy fighters or move onto an enemy ordnance marker removes the enemy as fighters would. However as they are extremely resilient, roll a dice when this happens. On a score of 4+, do not remove the Thunderhawk marker. Thunderhawks can only remove one enemy marker in any given ordnance phase and stop moving as soon as they intercept an enemy, and if a Thunderhawk marker uses its save to remain in play and comes into contact with another ordnance marker in the same ordnance phase, it is removed normally.

Note that against Eldar fighters, which also have this ability, it is possible that you end up with neither marker being removed! If this happens, either marker is free to move away in their next turn, or they can stay in place and attempt to remove their enemy again.

Thunderhawks and Enemy Ships
When a Thunderhawk marker moves into contact with an enemy ship’s base, they are treated exactly like assault boats (with the +1 bonus to their hit and run attack for being Space Marines). Using its 4+ save does not prevent it from attacking a ship if in base contact with one when stopped. Once a Thunderhawk marker has made its hit and run attack, it is removed from play.
Refitting to carry Thunderhawks
Any vessel that earns or pays for a refit to carry Thunderhawks may then ONLY carry them, and its launch bay capacity is reduced by half (rounding up when applicable). Escort carriers may never be upgraded to carry Thunderhawks!
Thunderhawk Annihilators
Some Space Marine vessels are noted as carrying Thunderhawk Annihilators. Thunderhawk Annihilators combine the abilities of bombers and fighters, and they move like any other attack craft with a speed of 20cm. A Thunderhawk Annihilator that is intercepted by enemy fighters or moves onto an enemy ordnance marker removes the enemy marker exactly the same way fighters would. However, they are extremely resilient and follow all special rules for Thunderhawks above. When a Thunderhawk Annihilator comes in contact with an enemy ship’s base, they attack it like bombers, even if they have used their resilience to remain in play. Once they complete their attack, they are removed normally. Thunderhawk Annihilators cannot be used as assault boats.

Armageddon Gun

The Armageddon gun may not be fired if the ship has been crippled or is on Burn Retros, All Ahead Full or Brace For Impact special orders.

The Armageddon gun can only be fired directly ahead of the ship. To fire the Armageddon gun, place the nova cannon template so that it is touching the Planet Killer’s stem and then move it directly ahead 90cm. If the hole in the centre of the template passes over a ship’s base (friend or foe!), that ship suffers D6 automatic hits. If any other part of the nova cannon marker moves over a ship’s base then the ship suffers one automatic hit. Hits take down shields exactly as normal. Ordnance touched by the template is destroyed. Once the Armageddon gun has fired you must use Reload Ordnance orders before it can fire again. If you roll a double 6 for a Reload Ordnance check, then the Armageddon gun has disastrously malfunctioned, inflicting a critical hit on the Planet Killer and rendering the Armageddon gun useless for the rest of the battle. On a roll of any other double, the Armageddon gun can be fired once more before it must be shut down to prevent overloading. Note that as the Planet Killer also has torpedoes, it is possible that you will need to use Reload Ordnance orders for these at the same time as for the Armageddon gun. In this case, only make one Command check.

The Armageddon gun is a line of sight weapon and cannot fire through obstacles or celestial phenomena that act as normal line of sight obstructions, such as planets, moons, asteroid fields, etc. However, place D6 blast markers at the point the Armageddon gun template contacted the asteroid field, moon, etc. for the vaporized rock left in its wake.

The Planet Killer, as its unsubtle name suggests, is designed to attack worlds. This makes it particularly appropriate for the Exterminatus scenario. If the Chaos fleet is attacking, it can include the Planet Killer instead of using modified exterminators or a Blackstone Fortress. The Planet Killer does not lose any of its weapons for being an exterminator, but if the Armageddon gun cannot be used for any reason then it can no longer act as an exterminator and the Chaos player loses the battle automatically. Though the Planet Killer must enter low orbit to fire a planet-killing shot like other vessels, it has a range of 60 cm and does not need to roll a 4+ to destroy the planet.

The Planet Killer must declare it is charging over three consecutive turns. No leadership check is required, but the ship may not turn, shoot or go on any special orders, including Brace For Impact. Once started, the process cannot be stopped, during which time the ship gains +2 shields. After the movement phase of the third turn, the ship immediately fires by moving the Nova Cannon template directly in front of he vessel 60 cm (not 90 cm). If any part of the template touches any ship’s base, that ship is completely destroyed, no saves allowed. The first planet or moon touched by the centre hole is removed on a 2+ in D3 turns and replaced by a 2D6×2D6 asteroid field. This shot can fire through asteroid fields but will not remove them by doing so. After firing this shot, the Planet Killer must pass a Reload Ordnance special order for two turns to bring the Armageddon Gun back online, during which time it may not fire any weapons at all but moves normally.

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