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Chaos Incursion Fleet List

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The Chaos Incursion Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Chaos Incursion Fleet Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

Chaos Incursion Fleets uses the Chaos Commanders and Chaos Boarding Actions special rules. Chaos Incursion fleets may incorporate renegade Imperial Navy vessels according to the Renegade Imperial Vessels rules.

Chaos Commanders

A Chaos Warmaster (as opposed to a Lord) must always be used as a fleet commander in any Chaos fleet list that requires the use of a fleet commander. Under no circumstance can a Chaos Lord be placed on the same ship as a Warmaster.

Renegade Imperial Vessels

For every 1,500 points in a Chaos fleet, one cruiser from any Imperial Navy fleet list up to 185 points and/or up to six Imperial Navy escorts may be taken. Special weapon rules, Nova Cannon, Chaos Lords, Chaos Space Marines, Chaos ordnance or Daemonship upgrades may not be taken for Imperial Navy vessels used in this manner, and cruisers suffer -1Ld for going renegade. Imperial Navy escorts need not be in a single squadron and may be interspersed within other Chaos escort squadrons if desired. These vessels do not count as reserves; they count as Chaos vessels in all respects.

Chaos Incursion Fleet List

The Chaos Incursion Fleet has an attack rating of ?.

Fleet Commander
You must include 1 Chaos Warmaster in your fleet, who must be assigned to the most expensive ship in the fleet.
Type Cost Notes
Chaos Warmaster (Ld 8) 50 May take 1–4 Marks of Chaos, as below.
Chaos Warmaster (Ld 9) 100May take 1–4 Marks of Chaos, as below.
You may include up to three Chaos Lords in your fleet. Each Chaos Lord must be assigned a ship and improves its Leadership rating to the value shown.
0–3 Chaos Lords (Ld 8) 50May take 1 Mark of Chaos, as below.
Chaos Warmasters get one re-roll, and may be given up to four Marks of Chaos as shown below (no Mark may be taken more than once). Chaos Lords may be given up to one Marks of Chaos.
Type Cost Notes
Mark of Slaanesh 25Enemy ships within 15cm suffer -2 to their Ld.
Mark of Khorne 20The ship doubles its value in boarding actions and adds +1 to any rolls for inflicting critical damage in a boarding action.
Mark of Tzeentch 30Gain an extra re-roll.
Mark of Nurgle 35The ship gains 1 damage point and may not be boarded.
Capital Ships
You may include up to one battleship in your fleet for every three cruisers or heavy cruisers.
Type Cost Options
Chaos battle barge 410 pts
  • May exchange weapon batteries for 45cm FP8 or 30cm FP10 batteries at no cost.
  • May exchange prow lance for S8 prow torpedoes for +10 pts.
  • May exchange dorsal lance for 45cm S4 variant for +10 pts.
Despoiler-class battleship 400 pts May replace prow lance battery with S8 torpedoes for +10 pts.
Desolator-class battleship 300 pts
You may include up to one grand cruiser in your fleet for every three cruisers or heavy cruisers.
Type Cost Options
Repulsive-class grand cruiser 230 pts
  • May increase dorsal lance range to 45cm for +10pts.
  • May add a third shield for +15pts when modelled on a large (60 mm) base.
You may include up to one heavy cruiser in your fleet for every two cruisers.
Type Cost Options
Styx-class heavy cruiser 260 pts
Hades-class heavy cruiser 200 pts
Acheron-class heavy cruiser 190 pts
Hecate-class heavy cruiser 230 pts
You may include 0–12 cruisers in your fleet.
Type Cost Options
Devastation-class cruiser 190 pts
Murder-class cruiser 170 pts May replace FP10 weapon batteries with FP4 batteries and S2 lance batteries at no cost (no more than two per 750 pts).
Carnage-class cruiser 180 pts
Slaughter-class cruiser 165 pts
Inferno-class cruiser 180 pts
You may include any number of escorts.
Class Cost Options
Idolator-class raider 45 pts
Infidel-class raider 40 pts
Iconoclast-class destroyer 30 pts
Ships with launch bays can have a mixture of Swiftdeath fighters, Doomfire bombers or Dreadclaw assault craft. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with normal and boarding torpedoes.

Chaos Incursion Fleet Forces

Iconoclast Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Weapons battery 45cm 3 L/F/R
Infidel Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow wpns battery 30cm 2 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 2 Front
Idolator Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Prow wpns battery 45cm 2 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 1 Front

Does not suffer a column shift for firing over 30cm.

Slaughter Cruiser/8 30cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port lance battery 30cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 30cm 2 Right
Port wpns battery 30cm 8 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 8 Right
Prow wpns battery 30cm 6 L/F/R

Moves 5D6cm on All Ahead Full special orders.

Carnage Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port wpns battery 45cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 6 Right
Port wpns battery 60cm 4 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 4 Right
Prow wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Murder Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port wpns battery 45cm 10 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 10 Right
Prow lance battery 60cm 2 Front

May replace FP10 weapon batteries with FP4 batteries and S2 lance batteries at no cost (no more than two per 750 pts).

Devastation Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 2
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Port lance battery 60cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 2 Right
Prow wpns battery 30cm 6 L/F/R
Acheron Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port lance battery 60cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 2 Right
Dorsal lance battery 45cm 2 L/F/R
Prow wpns battery 45cm 6 L/F/R
Hades Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port wpns battery 45cm 10 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 10 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 2 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 60cm 2 Front
Styx Cruiser/8 25cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 2 L/F/R
Prow wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Repulsive Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port wpns battery 45cm 14 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 14 Right
Dorsal lance battery 30cm 3 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 6 Front

May increase dorsal lance range to 45cm for +10pts. May add a third shield for +15pts when modelled on a large (60 mm) base.

Despoiler Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 4
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 4
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Port wpns battery 60cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 6 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 3 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 4 Front

May not Come To New Heading. May replace prow lance battery with S8 torpedoes for +10 pts.

Desolator Battleship/12 25cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port lance battery 60cm 4 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 4 Right
Dorsal wpns battery 60cm 6 L/F/R
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 9 Front

May not Come To New Heading.

Chaos Battle Barge Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port wpns battery 60cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 60cm 6 Right
Dorsal lance battery 60cm 3 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 4 Front
Port launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)
Prow launch bays Swiftdeaths (30cm) 3
or Doomfires (20cm)
or Dreadclaws (30cm)

May not Come To New Heading. May exchange weapon batteries for 45cm FP8 or 30cm FP10 at no cost. May exchange prow lance for S8 prow torpedoes for +10 pts. May exchange dorsal lance for 45cm S4 variant for +10 pts. See Fleet List for additional options.

Chaos Boarding Actions

Chaos ships have a +1 boarding modifier. A ship with Chaos Space Marine crew has a +2 boarding modifier (before all other modifiers are applied normally).

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