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Corsair Eldar Fleet List

You may as well try to catch starlight as bring the Eldar to battle.

Naval saying


The Corsair Eldar Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Corsair Eldar Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

The Eldar Leadership, Eldar Movement, Eldar Critical Hits rules apply to all Eldar vessels. Eldar ships are armed with Eldar Weapons (see Eldar Weapons) and use Eldar Holofields (see Eldar Holofields) for protection rather than shields.

Corsair Eldar Fleet List

Eldar Corsairs have an attack rating of 3.

Fleet Commander
You may include 1 Pirate Prince in your fleet, who must be assigned to a ship and adds +2 to its Leadership, to a maximum of 10. If the fleet is worth over 750 points a Pirate Prince must be included to lead it.
Type Cost Notes
0–1 Pirate Prince (Ld +2) 100
You may purchase Fleet Commander re-rolls for your Pirate Prince by paying the cost listed below.
One reroll 25
Two rerolls 50
Three rerolls 100
Capital Ships
Your fleet may include up to one battleship for every full 1,000 points it contains. Therefore, if you have between 0 to 999 points, you cannot field any battleships, while from 1000 to 1,999 points you can include one, and so on.
Type Cost Options
Void Stalker-class battleship 380 pts
Your fleet may include 0–12 cruisers.
Type Cost Options
Eclipse-class cruiser 250 pts
Shadow-class cruiser 210 pts
Aurora-class light cruiser 140 pts
Solaris-class light cruiser 130 pts
Your fleet may have any number of escorts.
Class Cost Options
Hellebore-class frigate 65 pts
Aconite-class frigate 55 pts
Hemlock-class destroyer 40 pts
Nightshade-class destroyer 40 pts
Any ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of Darkstar fighters and Eagle bombers. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with Eldar torpedoes.

Corsair Eldar Forces

Hemlock Escort/1 15/20/30 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow pulsar 30cm 1 Front

A Hemlock class destroyer cannot initiate boarding actions. A ship that boards a Hemlock class destroyer gains a +1 modifier in addition to any other modifiers.

Nightshade Escort/1 15/20/30 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow battery 30cm 1 Front
Keel torpedoes (30cm) 2 Front
Hellebore Escort/1 10/20/30 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow pulsar 30cm 1 Front
Prow battery 30cm 1 Front
Keel torpedoes (30cm) 2 Front
Aconite Escort/1 10/20/30 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow battery 30cm 5 Front
Aurora Cruiser/4 15/20/30 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow pulsar 30cm 2 Front
Keel torpedoes (30cm) 4 Front
Solaris Cruiser/4 15/20/30 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow battery 30cm 8 Front
Eclipse Cruiser/6 10/20/25 - Holo. 4+ 0
Prow pulsar 30cm 2 Front
Keel launch bay Darkstar (30cm) 4
or Eagle (20cm)
Shadow Cruiser/6 10/20/25 - Holo. 4+ 0
Keel torpedoes (30cm) 4 Front
Prow battery 30cm 12 Front
Void Stalker Battleship/10 10/20/25 - Holo. 4+ 0
Keel launch bay Darkstar (30cm) 4
or Eagle (20cm)
Keel battery 45cm 8 L/F/R
Prow pulsar 45cm 2 F/L
Prow pulsar 45cm 2 F/R

Eldar Leadership

All Eldar ships add + 1 to the Leadership score generated on the Leadership table on page 10, giving them a Leadership value between 7 and 10.

Eldar Movement

The movement rules below replace the normal movement rules for Eldar ships. Assume anything not modified below applies normally to the Eldar.

Eldar ships move in their movement phase and in the ordnance phase of their own tum. Note that they do not move in the ordnance phase of the enemy’s tum. Before an Eldar ship moves, it may tum to face any direction. It always turns before it moves and then remains facing in that direction until the start of its next move. Work out the speed an Eldar ship can move at after it has turned. Its speed depends on its facing towards the sunward table edge.

All Eldar ships have three speeds (for example, 10/20/30). The first is used if the sunward table edge is in the Eldar ship’s front fire arc; the second is used if the sunward table edge is in its rear fire arc; and the third is used if the sunward table edge is in its left or right fire arcs. If the sunward table edge lies on the line between two fire arcs, the Eldar player may choose which he uses. Eldar ships have no minimum move distances. They move from zero up to the maximum distance allowed by the direction of the sun. After their initial turn they travel in a straight line and may not make additional turns as they move. If under Lock-On special orders, Eldar ships cannot tum for EITHER movement phase.

As noted above, the Eldar move twice in each of their turns. The second move is made in the ordnance phase after any ordnance is moved, but apart from this all the rules described for Eldar movement will apply.

Special Orders
Eldar may not use the following special orders: All Ahead Full, Burn Retros, Come to New Heading. Note: Because Eldar ships cannot use All Ahead Full special orders, they also may not ram.
Blast Markers and Gravity Wells
Eldar are affected by Blast markers in the same way as other ships without shields - they will take a point of damage on a D6 roll of 6 and reduce their speed by 5 cm that turn. Eldar have to make a test after each of their two movements in which they encounter blast markers. Gravity wells allow Eldar to curve their normally straight line move around the planet and so the ship may make a free tum towards the planet at the end of its move (since it can turn in any direction at the start, there is no additional benefit at the start of its move).
An Eldar vessel intending to board an opponent may do so in either movement phase, but it may not shoot or launch ordnance before doing so. If it boards in its movement phase, it may not make its second movement.

Eldar Critical Hits

Any hit on an Eldar ship causes critical damage on a D6 roll of 4+, rather than the usual 6+. Roll 2D6 on the following Eldar Critical Hits table, rather than the standard Critical Hits table.

2D6 Extra Damage Result
2 +0 Infinity circuit damaged. -1 Leadership until repaired.
3 +0 Keel armament damaged. Keel armaments may not fire until repaired.
4 +0 Prow armament damaged. Prow armaments may not fire until repaired.
5 +0 Mast lines severed. The ship may only turn up to 90° before it moves until repaired.
6 +0 Mainsail scarred. Each of the ship’s speeds reduced by 5cm until repaired.
7 +1 Superstructure damaged. Until repaired, roll a D6 every time the ship turns over 45° and on a 1 the ship suffers 1 extra point of damage.
8 +0 Mainsail shredded. The ship cannot move in the ordnance phase until repaired.
9 +1 Infinity circuit smashed. -3 Leadership. This may not be repaired.
10 +0 Holofield generators destroyed. The ship no longer benefits from its holofields. This may not be repaired.
11 +D3 Hull breach.
12 +D6 Bulkhead collapse.

Eldar Holofields

Against attacks that use the Gunnery table, the holofields cause one column shift to the right, in addition to any other column shifts for range or Blast markers. Against any other form of attack (lances, torpedoes, etc), roll to hit an Eldar ship as normal, but the Eldar player may then make a saving roll for his holofields.

1 Hit! Score a hit on the Eldar ship.
2+ Missed! Place a Blast marker in contact with the ship.

Note that holofields do not negate hits or effects from moving through blast markers, area effects, exploding ships and celestial phenomena. They do, however, work against ordnance hits, hit-and-run raids, boarding actions, ramming or Nova Cannon. When saving against Nova Cannon, it rolls once against the hit itself, not the subsequent D6 damage rolls if the save fails.

Eldar Weapons

Eldar ships carry three main weapon systems which are described below.

Pulsar Lance
Pulsar lances fire volleys of high energy laser bolts. These count as lance shots, and hit on a 4+ no matter what the target’s armour. However, if a pulsar lance shot hits, then you may roll to hit again and you may keep on rolling to hit until you miss or the lance has scored a total of 3 hits.
Shadow Lance
Shadow lances are less powerful laser weapons, and count as typical lances in all respects.
Weapon Batteries
Eldar weapons batteries are short-ranged weapons that unleash a torrent of fire. They employ sophisticated targeting systems which make them very accurate even at extreme angles of attack. To represent their accuracy, Eldar weapons batteries count all targets as ‘closing’ on the Gunnery table, no matter what the target’s actual aspect is. This aside, all the normal rules apply.
Eldar torpedoes use sophisticated targeter scrambling systems to make themselves virtually undetectable until they strike. To represent this, defensive turrets only hit Eldar torpedoes on a roll of 6, rather than on a roll of 4+ as is normally the case. In addition, the highly accurate targeting sensors on Eldar torpedoes allow you to re-roll the dice to hit for any torpedo that misses a target on the first attempt.
Eldar Attack Craft
Defensive turrets only hit any Eldar attack craft on a roll of 6, rather than on a roll of 4 to 6 as is normally the case. Eldar fighters are resilient: when attacking and removing an enemy ordnance token, Eldar fighters remain in play on a roll of 4+. This may only be used once per turn. Eldar bombers on attack runs may re-roll the dice to determine the number of attacks they make (the second roll stands).
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