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Ork Pirates Fleet List

'Ere we go, 'ere we go, 'ere we go!

Orkish space chant


The Ork Pirates Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Ork Pirates Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

Ork Pirates uses the Ork Special Rules and are armed with Ork Weapons.

Ork Special Rules

All Ork ships reduce their Leadership by -1 from whatever they rolled, giving them a Leadership range of 5 to 8.
All Ahead Full Special Orders
Orks do not need to pass a Command check to use All Ahead Full special orders. However, Ork drives are less efficient than those of other races and are often short on fuel, so they only travel an extra 2D6cm on All Ahead Full orders instead of 4D6cm.
Orks they get a +1 bonus in boarding actions to represent their savagery.
Dakka Dakka
Ork capital ships can add +2 turrets to their ships for +20 points (this is not the same thing as saying “up to two turrets at +10 points each”). Ork escorts may add +1 turret for +5 points per escort unless a particular fleet list adjusts this. If this option is taken, every escort in a given squadron must take the refit, not just individual escorts in a squadron.

Ork Pirates Fleet List

Ork Pirates have an attack rating of 3.

You may include 1 or more Warlord in your fleet, each of whom must be assigned to a ship or squadron. If the fleet is worth 500 points or more it must include at least 1 Warlord to lead it. An Ork fleet can include a max. of one Warlord per 500 points.
Type Cost Notes
Ork Warlord 40
Warlords get one re-roll. They can have up to two more re-rolls for the additional cost noted below.
Type Cost Notes
One extra reroll 20
Two extra rerolls 40
A vessel carrying a Warlord doubles its boarding value and may include up to one of the upgrades shown below at the additional cost indicated.
Maniac Gunners 35The ship may re-roll the dice for the firepower of its gunz when it fires.
Mad Meks 25The ship may re-roll the dice for damage control.
Extra Power Fields 25The ship's shield value is increased by + 1.
Mega-armoured Boarding Parties 15+1 modifier when boarding.
Looted torpedoes 20The ship may re-roll the dice for the strength of torpedo salvoes when it fires.
You may include up to 6 kroozers in your fleet.
Type Cost Options
Kill Kroozer 155 pts
  • May replace prow heavy gun battery with a torpedo launcha (Speed 30cm, Strength D6+2) at no extra points cost.
  • If fitted with a torpedo launcha, a Terror ship may carry boarding torpedoes (Speed 20cm, Strength D6+2) at an additional cost of +5 pts.
Terror Kroozer 185 pts
  • May replace prow heavy gun battery with a torpedo launcha (Speed 30cm, Strength D6+2) at no extra points cost.
  • If fitted with a torpedo launcha, a Terror ship may carry boarding torpedoes (Speed 20cm, Strength D6+2) at an additional cost of +5 pts.
You may include any number of escorts in your fleet.
Class Cost Options
Onslaught attack ship 35 pts
Ravager attack ship 40 pts
Savage gunship 30 pts
Grunt assault ship 30 pts
Brute ram ship 25 pts
Any ship with launch bays carries Fighta-Bommas and Assault Boats. Ships with torpedo tubes carry regular torpedos, but any capital ship may carry boarding torpedos for +5 pts.

Ork Pirates Forces

Brute Ram Ship Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 F6+/4+ 1
Gunz battery 30 cm 2 L/F/R

Rolls 4 dice to damage an opposing ship when it rams.

Grunt assault ship Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 F6+/5+ 2
Gunz battery 30 cm 2 L/F/R

May not Come to New Heading. Boarding strength 2: counts as a 2HP vessel in boarding actions. Rolls 2 dice to damage an opposing ship when it rams. Must use large (60mm) base.

Savage Gunship Escort/1 25cm 45° 1 F6+/4+ 1
Heavy gunz battery 15cm 4 Front
Onslaught Attack Ship Escort/1 20cm 45° 1 F6+/4+ 1
Gunz battery 30cm D6 Front
Ravager Attack Ship Escort/1 20cm 45° 1 F6+/4+ 2
Torpedoes (30cm) D6 Front
Gunz battery 30cm 2 Front
Kill Kroozer Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 1 F6+/S5+/R4+ 1
Port gunz 30cm D6 Left
Stbd gunz 30cm D6 Right
Port heavy gunz 15cm 4 Left
Stbd heavy gunz 15cm 4 Right
Prow gunz 45cm D6+2 Front
Prow heavy gunz 15cm 6 Front

May replace prow heavy gun battery with a torpedo launcha (Speed 30cm, Strength D6+2) at no extra points cost. If fitted with a torpedo launcha, a Kill Kroozer may carry boarding torpedoes (Speed 20cm, Strength D6+2) at an additional cost of +5 pts.

Terror Ship Cruiser/10 20cm 45° 1 F6+/S5+/R4+ 1
Port gunz 30cm D6 Left
Stbd gunz 30cm D6 Right
Port launch bays Fighta-Bommas (25cm) 2
or Assault Boats (30cm)
Stbd launch bays Fighta-Bommas (25cm) 2
or Assault Boats (30cm)
Prow gunz 45cm D6+2 Front
Prow heavy gunz 15cm 6 Front

May replace prow heavy gun battery with a torpedo launcha (Speed 30cm, Strength D6+2) at no extra points cost. If fitted with a torpedo launcha, a Terror ship may carry boarding torpedoes (Speed 20cm, Strength D6+2) at an additional cost of +5 pts.

Ork Weapons

Standard Ork weapons batteries are referred to as ‘gunz’. These have a random firepower which is rolled each time they are fired. The dice roll and modifier for different gunz is indicated on the Ork ship’s characteristics.
Torpedo Launchas
As with their gunz, Ork torpedoes can vary wildly in their effectiveness. The strength of a salvo from an Ork torpedo launcha is randomly generated each time it is fired by rolling the dice indicated on its characteristics. Ork ships in squadrons may not combine torpedoes into larger salvoes.
Heavy Gunz
Heavy gunz roll to hit like ordinary weapons batteries but do not count gunnery modifiers for range. Each hit scored by heavy gunz causes double damage, ie, two hits instead of one.
Ork attack craft are known as fighta-bommas and perform the roles of both interceptor and bomber. This hybrid approach means that they function as fighters normally but can attack ships as if they were bombers. However, when attacking a ship, each squadron only rolls a D3 (rather than a D6) for the number of attacks they inflict.
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