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Dominion Fleet List

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idk, Ravensburg?


The Dominion Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Space Marine Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

Space Marine vessels use the Space Marine Leadership and Space Marine Crews rules, are armed with Bombardment Cannons, and use Thunderhawk Gunships as attack craft.

Dominion Fleet List

A Space Marine Dominion Fleet has an attack rating of 3. This is reduced to 2 if the fleet has any Imperial Navy, Mechanicus or Rogue Trader vessels at all.

Fleet Commander
You may include 0–1 Master of the Fleet. If your fleet includes any battle barges, he must be assigned to a battle barge. If the fleet is worth over 750 points, the Master of the Fleet must be included to lead it.
Type Cost Notes
0–1 Master of the Fleet (Ld 10) 50
You may buy Fleet Commander re-rolls for your Master of the Fleet.
Type Cost Notes
One extra reroll 25
Two extra rerolls 50
Three extra rerolls 75
In addition, the Master of the Fleet’s ship may carry a Terminator boarding party:
Type Cost Notes
Terminator boarding party 50
Space Marine Captains.
Type Cost Notes
Space Marine Captain 25Any Imperial Navy battleship, grand cruiser or battlecruiser may have a Space Marine Captain assigned to it. Space Marine Captains roll against the Space Marines leadership table instead of the normal leadership table. Except for this bonus, Imperial Navy ships led by a Space Marine Captain do not benefit from any of the Space Marines special rules concerning boarding, hit and run attacks, ordnance, etc.
Honour Guard 10A ship led by a Space Marine Captain may carry Honour Guard.
Fortress Monastery
If your fleet is worth at least 2,000 points, it may include one Fortress-Monastery.
Type Cost Notes
0–1 Fortress Monastery 1000Only if fleet is worth at least 2000 points.
As the base of operations for the entire Chapter, the fortress-monastery may purchase re-rolls, which it may use for its own command checks only. If the Master of the Fleet is assigned to a fortress-monastery, its re-rolls are added to those of the Master of the Fleet
Type Cost Notes
One extra reroll 25
Two extra rerolls 50
Three extra rerolls 75
Capital Ships
0–3 Battle Barges. You may include one Space Marine battle barge for every 1,000 points or part thereof in your fleet. The fleet must be worth at least 1,000 points to include a single Venerable battle barge (counting as one of the three allowed), chosen from any available Imperial or Chaos battleship, grand cruiser, battlecruiser or heavy cruiser at the listed cost, plus an additional +35 points for its Space Marine crew.
Type Cost Options
0–1 Venerable Battle Barge varies
  • Only available to fleets of at least 1000 points
  • Any Imperial or Chaos battleship, grand cruiser, battlecruiser or heavy cruiser at its listed cost, plus +35 points for its Space Marine crew.
  • Grants 100% victory points if crippled or 150% victory points if destroyed.
  • All launch bay capacities are halved, but launch bays equipped with Thunderhawks.
  • May not take standard vessel-specific refits, but may replace any prow weapon with S6 torpedoes.
Battle Barge 425 pts
0–10 Cruisers
Type Cost Options
Space Marine strike cruiser 145 pts At least half of strike cruisers in the fleet must be unmodified. Up to half may take the following refits:
  • May replace launch bays with S6, 30 cm (front arc) torpedo tubes at no cost.
  • May replace launch bays with FP 5, 30cm (front arc) bombardment cannon at no cost.
  • May replace prow FP 3 L/F/R bombardment cannons with S1 30cm L/F/R lance at +20 pts
  • May add +1 shield for +15 pts
You may include any number of escorts.
Class Cost Options
RSV Falchion-class frigate 40 pts
RSV Firestorm-class frigate 45 pts
RSV Sword-class frigate 40 pts
RSV Cobra-class destroyer 35 pts May exchange weapon battery for +2 Enemy Contacts bonus when taking orders.
Nova-class frigate 50 pts
Gladius-class frigate 45 pts
Hunter-class destroyer 40 pts
Any ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of Fury interceptors and Starhawk bombers. An Emperor class battleship may carry Shark assault boats at an additional cost of +5 points. Ships with torpedo tubes are armed with ordinary torpedoes.

Space Marine Forces

Gladius Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Prow wpns battery 30cm 4 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
Hunter Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 2 Front
Prow wpns battery 30cm 1 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
Nova Escort/1 35cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow wpns battery 30cm 2 L/F/R
Prow lance battery 30cm 1 Front
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
RSV Cobra Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 2 Front
Prow wpns battery 30cm 1 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews

May exchange weapon battery for +2 Enemy Contacts bonus when taking orders.

RSV Falchion Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 1 Front
Prow wpns battery 30cm 3 L/F/R
RSV Firestorm Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Prow lance battery 30cm 1 Front
Prow wpns battery 30cm 2 Front
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
RSV Sword Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Prow wpns battery 30cm 4 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
Strike Cruiser Cruiser/6 25cm 90° 1 6+ 2
Port wpns battery 30cm 4 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 4 Right
Prow launch bays T'hawks (20cm) 2
Prow bombardment cannon 30cm 3 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
  • Thunderhawk Gunships

At least half of Strike Cruisers in the fleet must be unmodified from the basic profile. Up to half of the fleet’s Strike Cruisers may replace prow launch bays with S6 prow torpedoes or 30cm S5 front-arc bombardment cannon, may replace prow bombardment cannon with a 30cm S1 L/F/R lance for +20 pts, and/or may upgrade to 2 shields for +15 pts.

Battle Barge Battleship/12 20cm 45° 3 6+ 3
Port wpns battery 45cm 12 Left
Stbd wpns battery 45cm 12 Right
Prow launch bays T'hawks (20cm) 3
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 6 Front
Dorsal bombardment cannon 30cm 8 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
  • Thunderhawk Gunships

May not Come to New Heading.

Sedition Oprimere, Venerable Battle Barge Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4
Port bombardment cannons 30cm 8 Left
Stbd bombardment cannons 30cm 8 Right
Prow launch bays T'hawks (20cm) 2
Prow torpedoes (30cm) 6 Front
Dorsal bombardment cannon 30cm 8 L/F/R
  • Space Marine Leadership
  • Space Marine Crews
  • Thunderhawk Gunships

May be taken as a Venerable Battle Barge for 450 pts. May not Come to New Heading.

Bombardment Cannons

Space Marine battle barges carry a heavyweight battery of bombardment cannons as part of their main armament. Bombardment cannons fire in the same way as weapon batteries with two exceptions:

  1. Bombardment cannons always hit on a 4 or more, regardless of the target’s armour (even vs ordnance).
  2. Bombardment cannons inflict critical hits on a roll of 4 or more, rather than just on a roll of 6.

Space Marine Leadership

When randomly generating the Leadership value for a Space Marine ship, use the table here.

D6 Leadership
1-2 Ld 8
3-4 Ld 9
5-6 Ld 10

Space Marine Crews

Space Marine ships add +2 to their D6 roll when they fight in a boarding action and +1 when they make any hit and run attack.

Enemy hit and run attacks against a Space Marine ship deduct 1 from their dice rolls (and so will fail on a roll of 1 or 2 before modification).

Drop Pods
All Space Marine capital ships are equipped with drop pods. These add nothing to their profile and are not treated as ordnance in any respect. Drop pods enable Space Marine capital ships to quickly deploy Space Marines to the surface and impart +2 assault points for each capital ship during a planetary assault instead of +1.
Honour Guard
Some Space Marine vessels are noted as carrying the Chapter’s Honour Guard. Once per turn you may use the Honor Guard, if your fleet list includes them. All the normal rules for teleport attacks apply, except that they may be used in addition to a normal teleport attack that turn. The player may roll two dice and choose which one to use as the result, including the normal +1 bonus for being Space Marines.
Terminator Boarding Parties
Once per turn a vessel equipped with Terminator boarding parties may use them when conducting a hit and run teleport attack. They roll two dice for its hit and run attack and apply both results, including the normal +1 bonus for being Space Marines. Terminators may be used in addition to a normal teleport attack that turn.

Thunderhawk Gunships

Thunderhawks and Enemy Ordnance
Thunderhawk gunships combine the abilities of assault boats and fighters, and move like any other attack craft, with a speed of 20cm. A Thunderhawk counter that is intercepted by enemy fighters or move onto an enemy ordnance marker removes the enemy as fighters would. However as they are extremely resilient, roll a dice when this happens. On a score of 4+, do not remove the Thunderhawk marker. Thunderhawks can only remove one enemy marker in any given ordnance phase and stop moving as soon as they intercept an enemy, and if a Thunderhawk marker uses its save to remain in play and comes into contact with another ordnance marker in the same ordnance phase, it is removed normally.

Note that against Eldar fighters, which also have this ability, it is possible that you end up with neither marker being removed! If this happens, either marker is free to move away in their next turn, or they can stay in place and attempt to remove their enemy again.

Thunderhawks and Enemy Ships
When a Thunderhawk marker moves into contact with an enemy ship’s base, they are treated exactly like assault boats (with the +1 bonus to their hit and run attack for being Space Marines). Using its 4+ save does not prevent it from attacking a ship if in base contact with one when stopped. Once a Thunderhawk marker has made its hit and run attack, it is removed from play.
Refitting to carry Thunderhawks
Any vessel that earns or pays for a refit to carry Thunderhawks may then ONLY carry them, and its launch bay capacity is reduced by half (rounding up when applicable). Escort carriers may never be upgraded to carry Thunderhawks!
Thunderhawk Annihilators
Some Space Marine vessels are noted as carrying Thunderhawk Annihilators. Thunderhawk Annihilators combine the abilities of bombers and fighters, and they move like any other attack craft with a speed of 20cm. A Thunderhawk Annihilator that is intercepted by enemy fighters or moves onto an enemy ordnance marker removes the enemy marker exactly the same way fighters would. However, they are extremely resilient and follow all special rules for Thunderhawks above. When a Thunderhawk Annihilator comes in contact with an enemy ship’s base, they attack it like bombers, even if they have used their resilience to remain in play. Once they complete their attack, they are removed normally. Thunderhawk Annihilators cannot be used as assault boats.
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