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Kor'vattra Fleet List

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The Kor'vattra Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Tau Kor'vattra Forces section and the Tau Kor'Vattra Allied Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

Tau fleets use Tau special rules and are equipped with Tau systems and Tau ordnance

Tau Special Rules

Boarding Actions
All Tau Kor’vattra ships (Explorers, Heroes, and Merchants) halve their boarding value when fighting in assaults.
Teleport Attacks
Tau may not conduct teleport attacks.
Escort Squadrons
Defenders are fielded in squadrons of 2–6, and may be combined with Messengers. Messengers operate as individual ships or as part of a squadron of Defenders.

The Orcas from each parent ship use the same Leadership as the parent and must act as a squadron, but act independently: they are deployed separately from their parent and activate different orders. If the parent ships are squadroned together, their Orcas may be squadroned together also: declare this after rolling for capital ship leadership and forming capital ship squadrons. The normal squadron limit of six still applies, so you may find it necessary to have more than one Orca squadron associated with a capital ship squadron. When Orcas from multiple squadroned parent ships form a combined squadron (or squadrons), all use the highest leadership from among the parents. Orcas may not be squadroned with any other form of escort. Wardens may only squadron with other Wardens or Castellans. A single capital ship may carry only Orcas or Wardens on its gravitic hooks.

Tau Systems

Railguns of the size mounted on warships require massive amounts of energy to fire despite Tau superconductors. Tau railguns count as standard weapon batteries in all respects.
Ion Cannons
Ion cannon shots vaporise the object struck magnifying the energy discharge. Armour is of no value against them. They function as lances in all respects.
Gravitic Launcher
Gravitic launchers are massive railguns where mass drivers trigger the initial acceleration before the ships gravitic field is pulsed to squeeze the missiles toward the enemy at enormous speed. The missiles are drone-controlled and exceptionally dangerous. Ships with gravitic launchers are armed with Tau missiles.
Gravitic hooks
Gravitic Hooks are large, suspensory arms which create a gravitic sheath in which a small vessel can be transported by a larger one. You may not have more Orcas, Wardens, or Nicassar Dhows than the gravitic hook capacity of the fleet - much of the cost of these vessels is included in that of the parent ship. A single ship may only carry a single type of escort (e.g. Orcas or Wardens, but not a mix of Orcas and Wardens).
Tracking Systems
Some Tau starships and orbital platforms boast highly advanced data storage and processing facilities to cope with the vast amounts of information they carry. When linked to ship sensors though this processing power can be used to provide a direct feed to the ships turrets. Any Tau vessel within 10 cm of a ship with tracking systems may re-roll misses when using turrets and ignores the column shift when firing batteries at ranges above 30 cm. Tracking systems are fully functional under any special order on any ship or defence equipped with them, including Brace For Impact.

Tau Ordnance

Attack Craft
As with their starships, Tau attack craft is operated by the Air Caste, who provide pilots for the Barracuda fighters and Manta bombers. Both of these forms of attack craft also form an important part of Tau forces planetside, with the Mantas transporting whole Hunter cadres consisting of dozens of Fire Warriors while Barracudas provide air support.
Attack Craft Speed Notes
Barracuda 25 cm Fighter
Manta 20 cm Bomber, Resilient: may roll a 4+ to save against removal by a single fighter attack per ordnance phase.
Tau Missiles
Tau missiles are able to alter both their speed and course throughout flight, so may move at any speed between 20 cm and 40 cm (i.e. must move at least 20 cm, cannot move more than 40 cm) each ordnance phase. They are also guided. Each ordnance phase the missiles may change course by 45 degrees at the start of their movement.

The sophistication of Tau missiles comes at the cost of decreased endurance. Each turn after the turn it was launched, roll 1D6 for each point of strength in each missile salvo and reduce the strength of the salvo by 1 for every 6 rolled.

Kor'vattra Fleet List

The Tau Kor'vattra fleet has an attack rating of 2.

Fleet Commander
You may include 0–1 Commander in your fleet, who must be assigned to a ship and improves its Leadership to the value shown. If the fleet is worth over 750 points a Commander must be included to lead it.
Type Cost Notes
Tau Kor'el (Ld 8) 50
Tau Kor'o (Ld 9) 80
The commander has re-roll included in their points cost. If you want more you'll have to pay for them.
Type Cost Notes
One extra reroll 25
Two extra rerolls 75
Capital Ships
You may include any number of battleships in your fleet. If your fleet is worth more than 750 pts it must include at least one Explorer.
Type Cost Options
Explorer-class battleship 230 pts May be either Mk XXIII Vash'ya or Mk XXIV Bor'kan configuration
You may include any number of Merchant-class starship. You may include one Hero-class starship for each Merchant or Explorer in the fleet.
Type Cost Options
Hero-class starship 180 pts
  • May be either Vash'ya or Tolku configuration
Merchant-class starship 95 pts
  • May be either Kel'shan or Dal'yth configuration
  • May upgrade from 4 to 6 hitpoints for +15 pts
You may include up to one Messenger-class starship per 500 pts. You may include any number of Defender-class starships. You may not include more Orca and/or Defender-class gunships than the total gravitic hook capacity of the fleet.
Class Cost Options
Messenger-class starship 50 pts 0–1 per 500 pts
Defender-class starship 45 pts
Warden-class gunship 30 pts Requires one gravitic hook.
Orca-class gunship 25 pts Requires one gravitic hook.
Allies, Subjects, and Mercenaries
Kroot Vessels: a Tau fleet may include up to one Warsphere if the fleet is worth up to 1500 points, or up to two in games larger than that. Warspheres do not count against cruiser limits in Kor'vattra fleets.
Class Cost Options
Kroot Warsphere 145 pts
  • +20pts: Gain 2HP and 2 firepower (up to three times)
  • -20pts: Subtract 2HP and 2 firepower (up to three times)
  • +10pts: Gain 1 shield (must have at least 10HP)
  • +10pts: Gain 1 turret (must have at least 10HP)
  • +25pts: Improve range by 15cm (must have at least 10HP)
Demiurg Vessels: a Tau fleet can include up to one Demiurg vessel for every three Tau capital ships in the fleet. There cannot be more Stronghold than Bastion vessels in the fleet.
Class Cost Options
Stronghold commerce vessel 350 pts
Bastion commerce vessel 255 pts
Citadel commerce vessel 185 pts
Nicassar Vessels: a Tau fleet may include Nicassar Dhows in place of some or all of its Orcas. You may not have more Dhows (or Orcas) than the gravitic hook capacity of the fleet. A capital ship may have either Orcas or Dhows but not both.
Class Cost Options
Nicassar Dhow 45
Any ship with launch bays may choose to have them launch any mix of Barracuda interceptors and Manta bombers. Ships with gravitic launchers carry Tau missiles.

Tau Kor'vattra Forces

Orca Escort/1 20cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow railguns 30cm 2 L/F/R
Prow ion cannon 30cm 1 Front

You may not have more Orcas than the gravitic hook capacity of the fleet. Orcas use the leadership of their parent capital ship for all leadership tests, and may only squadron with other Orcas carried by parent capital ships that are themselves squadroned together.

Warden Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Prow railguns 30cm 2 Front
Prow ion cannon 30cm 1 L/F/R

Any Tau fleet may bring Wardens on gravitic hooks instead of Orcas, but a single capital ship may only carry Wardens or Orcas. Wardens may only squadron Wardens or Castellans.

Defender Escort/1 20cm 45° 1 5+ 2
Prow railguns 30cm 3 L/F/R
Prow grav. launcher (20–40cm) 2 Front
Messenger Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Prow railguns 30cm 1 L/F/R

Tracking Systems. May operate alone or may join a squadron of Defenders.

Merchant (Kel'shan) Cruiser/4 15cm 45° 1 5+ 2
Prow railguns 45cm 2 L/F/R
Port railguns 45cm 2 F/L
Stbd railguns 45cm 2 F/R
Port grav. hook Capacity 1
Stbd grav. hook Capacity 1

May upgrade from 4 to 6 hits for +15 pts

Merchant (Dal'yth) Cruiser/4 15cm 45° 1 5+ 2
Prow railguns 45cm 2 L/F/R
Port railguns 45cm 2 F/L
Stbd railguns 45cm 2 F/R
Port ion cannons 30cm 1 F/L
Stbd ion cannons 30cm 1 F/R

May upgrade from 4 to 6 hits for +15 pts.

Hero (Vash'ya) Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 (F6+)5+ 3
Prow railguns 45cm 4 L/F/R
Prow grav. launcher (20–40cm) 6 Front
Port launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 1
or Mantas (20cm)
Stbd launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 1
or Mantas (20cm)
Port ion cannons 30cm 2 F/L
Stbd ion cannons 30cm 2 F/R
  • Deflector Shield
Hero (Tolku) Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 (F6+)5+ 3
Prow railguns 45cm 4 L/F/R
Prow grav. launcher (20–40cm) 6 Front
Port launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 1
or Mantas (20cm)
Stbd launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 1
or Mantas (20cm)
Port railguns 45cm 4 F/L
Stbd railguns 45cm 4 F/R
  • Deflector Shield
Explorer (Vash'ya) Battleship/12 15cm 45° 1 5+/R4+ 5
Prow railguns 45cm 6 L/F/R
Port launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 4
or Mantas (20cm)
Stbd launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 4
or Mantas (20cm)
Port grav. hook Capacity 1
Stbd grav. hook Capacity 1
Dorsal grav. hook Capacity 1

May not Come To New Heading.

Explorer (Bork'an) Battleship/12 15cm 45° 1 5+/4+ R 5
Prow railguns 45cm 6 L/F/R
Prow grav. launcher (20–40cm) 8 Front
Port launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 2
or Mantas (20cm)
Stbd launch bays Barracudas (25cm) 2
or Mantas (20cm)
Port grav. hook Capacity 1
Stbd grav. hook Capacity 1
Dorsal grav. hook Capacity 1

May not Come To New Heading.

Deflector Shield

Some Tau vessels are fitted with a prow deflector to raise their frontal armour to 6+. This is disabled if the ship suffers a Prow critical hit.

Tau Kor'Vattra Allied Forces

Kroot Warsphere Defence/10 10cm Special 2 5+ 3
Weapons battery 30cm 12 All round
  • Kroot Warsphere

May go on All Ahead Full without passing a command test.

Stronghold Battleship/10 15cm 45° 4 5+/F6+ 4
Port wpns battery 30cm 12 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 12 Right
Port lance battery 60cm 3 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 3 Right
Prow battery 45cm 14 Front
Prow cutting beam 15cm Special Front
Dorsal launch bays Fighters (25cm) 3
or Bombers (20cm)
or Assault Boats (30cm)
Dorsal torpedo silos Torpedoes (30cm) 6 All round
  • Demiurg Technology
  • Cutting Beam

Initially Ld 10, drops 1 Ld per point of damage down to Ld 5. Bridge Smashed critical effect does not change Ld but causes +1 damage. Worth 400 VP in a pure Demiurg fleet or when fighting Orks. May not Come to New Heading.

Bastion Cruiser/8 20cm 45° 2 5+/F6+ 2
Port wpns battery 30cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 6 Right
Port lance battery 60cm 2 Left
Stbd lance battery 60cm 2 Right
Prow battery 45cm 8 Front
Prow cutting beam 15cm Special Front
Dorsal launch bays Fighters (25cm) 3
or Bombers (20cm)
or Assault Boats (30cm)
or Torpedoes (30cm) 4 All round
  • Demiurg Technology
  • Cutting Beam

Initially Ld 9, drops 1 Ld per point of damage down to Ld 5. Bridge Smashed critical effect does not change Ld but causes +1 damage. Worth 300 VP in a pure Demiurg fleet or when fighting Orks. May not Come to New Heading. Launch bays may launch assault craft or torpedoes each turn - not both.

Citadel Cruiser/6 20cm 45° 2 5+/F6+ 3
Port wpns battery 30cm 6 Left
Stbd wpns battery 30cm 6 Right
Prow battery 45cm 8 Front
Prow cutting beam 15cm Special Front
Dorsal torpedo silos Torpedoes (30cm) 4 All round
  • Demiurg Technology
  • Cutting Beam

Initially Ld 9, drops 1 Ld per point of damage down to Ld 5. Bridge Smashed critical effect does not change Ld but causes +1 damage. Worth 200 VP in a pure Demiurg fleet or when fighting Orks. May not Come to New Heading.

Nicassar Dhow Escort/1 20cm 180° 2 5+ 1
Port railguns 30cm 3 L
Stbd railguns 30cm 3 R

Tau ships with gravitic hooks may bring Dhows instead of Orcas (but may not bring a mix of both). Dhows use the leadership of their parent capital ship +1 (representing their natural spacefaring ability) for all leadership tests. Dhows may only squadron with other Dhows carried by parent capital ships that are themselves in the same squadron.

Kroot Warsphere

Kroot Warspheres use the following the special rules:

Because of their unique construction, Kroot Warspheres don’t move in the same way as normal ships. In their movement phase Warspheres travel 10 cm forward in a straight line, no more, no less. Warspheres may not turn or use Burn Retros or Come To New Heading orders.

On All Ahead Full orders Warspheres move an extra 2D6 cm in any direction at the end of their move. If this causes them to move 10 cm or more, the direction of this additional move becomes their new direction of travel. Due to their low speed and considerable momentum, Warspheres which are crippled or moving through Blast markers do not reduce their speed. Warspheres in the gravity well of a planet or moon may make free turns like an ordinary ship (45°) and/or place themselves in a stationary or low orbit.

Critical Hits
Warspheres lack the complex systems of true space craft, so critical hits are not rolled on the Critical table. Instead each critical hit inflicts +1 point of damage.
Catastrophic Damage
When a Warsphere is reduced to 0 damage it breaks up. Don’t roll for Catastrophic damage, instead the Warsphere is replaced by 4 blast markers.
Boarding and Planetary Assaults
The Warsphere has a boarding strength equal to double its remaining hit points. During planetary assaults, Kroot Warspheres cannot return to flight during a battle once they have landed. However, they are not destroyed and only count as disengaged for purposes of victory points.

In a planetary assault mission a warsphere will contribute 3 points for each turn it is actually landed on the target planet. It contributes nothing for being within 30 cm.

Demiurg Technology

Demiurg Stronghold, Bastion and Citadel class vessels use the following the special rules:

Blast Markers
Any Blast marker which a Demiurg vessel moves over is removed immediately – this includes any in base contact with the vessel at the beginning of its turn. When this happens, ships in base contact with the Demiurg vessel and sharing blast markers with them lose these (along with their effects) as well.

Blast markers have no effect on the movement of the Demiurg ship, nor do they face any other negative effects of moving through blast markers, though any leadership checks they were required to make before the movement phase are still affected normally by blast markers.

Keep markers ‘hoovered up’ like this to one side so they can be used to fire a cutting beam from the prow in the shooting phase. Note that Blast markers moved over must be removed, the Demiurg player can’t choose to remove some markers and leave others in place.

Celestial phenomena
Demiurg ships are totally unaffected by solar flares, gas and dust clouds and radiation bursts. Do not place blast markers in contact with them for celestial phenomena of any kind
Deployment and Scenarios
Aside from the Tau, who appear to have the strongest known connection with the Demiurg, a number of races have on occasion been reported as having made contact with these aliens. Any fleet except Orks, Tyranids and Necrons can use Demiurg Bastion class vessels; they are purchased as cruisers but do not contribute to the number of ships required to gain access to battleships, grand cruisers, etc. Demiurg ships can never carry fleet commanders, use fleet commander re-rolls or be placed in squadrons with non-Demiurg vessels. Tau fleets (and other races whose fleet list specifically include the Demiurg) ignore these restrictions and should instead select Demiurg vessels using the entries given in their fleet list.
Unless the fleet is entirely composed of Demiurg ships they are considered to be mercenaries and will not continue to fight if crippled. Crippled Demiurg ships will attempt to disengage every turn and run for the nearest point on the nearest table edge if they fail. However, if the Demiurg ship is part of a fleet fighting against Orks it will only disengage if first reduced to only having 1 or 2 Damage points remaining.

Cutting Beam

The cutting beam is a short ranged but devastating ionisation beam usually employed for gouging out recalcitrant moonlets. The cutting beam counts as a single lance but each Blast marker picked up by the Demiurg vessel in the Movement phase gives the beam the equivalent of one extra lance shot (up to a maximum of 8).

The cutting beam always starts with an effective strength of one before adding for blast markers, and it will never have less than this as long as it is operational.

Any Demiurg vessel may extend the range of its cutting beam to 30 cm by halving its effective strength, rounding down. For example, a Demiurg Bastion that gathers up four blast markers in the course of its immediately previous movement may in the shooting phase fire a Str-5, range 15 cm cutting beam or a Str-2, range 30 cm cutting beam. Blast markers cannot be held from turn to turn in order to power the cutting beam, any unused ones are lost.

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