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Tyranid Hive Fleet List



The Tyranid Hive Fleet List uses the datasheets from the Tyranid Hive Fleet Forces section.

Using The Fleet List

The fleet list includes the following information:

The type of the ship.
Notes on usage or optional upgrades.
The points value of the formation.

Special Rules

The Synaptic Control and Tyranid Xenobiology rules apply to all Tyranid vessels. Tyranid ships are armed with Tyranid Bioweaponry and use Spores for protection rather than shields and turrsts.

Tyranids do not follow the normal squadron rules when forming up the fleet. Tyranid Escorts come as squadrons of 1 to 12 vessels, while all other types are individuals and may not deploy in squadrons.

Synaptic Control

Only hive ships have a leadership value, which is purchased at a fixed value from the Hive Fleet list. During the Movement phase, each hive ship can make a Command check to change or ignore Instinctive Behaviour for themselves or another ship/squadron within 45 cm. If the test is successful the Tyranid player has control of the ship/squadron and may place it on special orders if desired, without requiring a second command check.

Attempts to use synaptic control count as a Command check. However, if one hive ship fails a command check this does not prevent another hive ship attempting to use synaptic control. In effect each hive ship can make at least one attempt to override Instinctive Behaviour. You may test for synaptic control over a ship which failed the test the same turn, including other Hive ships, as long as there is another Hive ship within range.

Tyranid ordnance (fighters, assault boats, torpedoes) is not subject to synaptic control or Instinctive Behaviour – just move them like normal ordnance.

Movement and Special Orders
All Tyranid vessels follow Instinctive Orders unless the Hive Mind (i.e. you, the player!) tells a ship or squadron to do something different via the psychic conduit of the hive ships. For ships or squadrons using Instinctive Behaviour, read down the table below and give the ship/squadron the first appropriate action or special order you come to. No Command check is needed for special orders, but there may be specific activities that must be undertaken in the vessel’s movement.
Does the ship meet this condition? Take this action, applying the relevant Special Order if present.
1. Normal movement will take the ship(s) into a gas/dust cloud, asteroid field, planetary rings, minefield, warp rift or other dangerous celestial phenomena? Burn Retros. A turn must be made away from the celestial phenomena.
2. Nearest enemy is in front fire arc and less than 15 cm away? You can opt to skip this condition if the ship is armed with bio-plasma. No special order. Must move into contact and initiate a boarding action if possible.
3. Nearest enemy is in front fire arc and more than 90 cm away? All Ahead Full. Add +2D6 cm to movement instead of +4D6 cm.
4. Nearest enemy is within rear fire arc? This condition only applies to escort ships. Come to New Heading
5. Enemy is in front fire arc and within range/fire arc of operational bio-weapon? Lock On
6. Ordnance needs reloading? Reload Ordnance
7. None of the above conditions apply? No special order. If there is a planet on the table, the ship/ squadron must end its movement closer to it of possible. Otherwise move at half speed straight ahead.

For example: A Tyranid cruiser wishes to move towards the enemy fleet in support of its hive ship but fails the Ld test. We check theInstinctive Orders table – there are no celestial phenomena or enemy ships close or in range but there is a planet on the table. The cruiser has to move towards the planet even though this actually takes it further away from the enemy fleet it wished to close with.

Brace for Impact
Tyranid ships/squadrons can go onto Brace for Impact orders at any time by testing against the leadership of the nearest hive ship within 45 cm. If no hive ships are within range then bio-ships use a default leadership of 7 for the test instead. As normal this order is only removed at the end of the Tyranids’ next turn. Ships on Brace For Impact orders which are acting instinctively obey the movement restrictions listed above but do not change their special orders
All Ahead Full
If a ship goes All Ahead Full under synaptic control (by leadership test) instead of Instinctive Behaviour, i may move an additional +4D6 cm instead of +2D6 cm. Having the Adrenaline Sacs refit adds +1D6 in either case.

Tyranid Xenobiology

All Tyranid ships are naturally adapted void-swimming organisms and make all Leadership checks to navigate celestial phenomena on a default leadership of 10.
Tyranid ships always target the nearest enemy ship unless a special Vanguard drone ship ‘highlights’ another enemy within range. No leadership test is allowed for Tyranid ships to select a target other than the nearest. Ordnance markers are always ignored and may not be fired on at all.

Vanguard drone ships highlight all enemies (including ordnance) within 15 cm, and these can be targeted freely by any other vessels in the Tyranid fleet which are within range, without requiring a separate command check to ignore closer vessels.

Tyranids are a horror in Boarding actions. A fearless, animalistic rush of clawed, fanged monsters has been the death knell of many a ship.

Tyranids always count double their boarding value, plus they roll 2D6 and use the highest result in boarding actions. Tyranids ignore all blast marker effects when boarding enemy vessels. They do however lose a measure of their spore protection for being in contact with blast markers due to placing one on the target vessel when boarding; place the blast marker at the point where the target and the Tyranid vessel make contact. While they ignore all blast marker effects when boarding, the target vessel does not. As such, Tyranids get a +1 for the enemy being in contact with blast markers.

All Is Lost
Capital ships can attempt to self destruct when boarded by Tyranids (not when boarding a Tyranid vessel) by passing a Leadership test in the End phase. If the test is failed the crew must face their terrible fate at the hands of the Tyranids. If the test is passed roll a D6; on a 1–3 the ship suffers the catastrophic damage result of plasma drive overload. On a 4–6 the ship suffers the warp drive implosion result instead.
Hit-&-Run Attacks
Hit-&-Run attacks against Tyranid ships roll 2D6 and take the lowest result. When conducting Hit-&-Run attacks of any type against Tyranid escorts, roll 2D6 and take the lowest D6 for the roll, destroying the escort on a roll of 4+.

Tyranid ships can make Hit-&-Run teleporting attacks just like other ships in the End phase. The Tyranid player adds +1 to the result when making Hit-&-Run raids.

To summarise, Tyranid ships suffer the following penalties when crippled:
  • Speed: -5 cm
  • Spore cysts: Full strength
  • Bio-plasma: Half strength
  • Pyro-acid batteries: Half strength
  • Feeder Tentacles: May not be used
  • Massive claws: May not be used
  • Torpedoes & Attack Craft: None may be launched
Critical Hits & Catastrophic Damage
Tyranids do not use the normal critical hit and catastrophic damage tables. Instead they use the tables presented here. If a critical hit is rolled which cannot be applied, for example a ship with no prow weapons gets a Prow Armament wounded critical, apply the next highest critical instead. In this case the ship would suffer thorax armament damage.

Tyranid Critical Hits

2D6 Roll Extra Damage Result
2 +0 Spore cysts injured: The ship’s spore cysts may not be used until they have been repaired.
3 +0 Starboard armament wounded: The ship’s starboard armament may not be used again until it has been repaired.
4 +0 Port armament wounded: The ship’s port armament may not be used until it has been repaired.
5 +0 Prow armament wounded: The ship’s prow armament may not be used until it has been repaired.
6 +1 Thorax armament wounded: The ship may not use its thorax weapons until the damage is repaired.
7 +0 Heavy wound! Roll to repair the heavy wound in the End phase, if the wound is not repaired it causes 1 point of extra damage and keeps bleeding.
8 +1 Discharge vents wounded: The bio-ship may not turn until the damage is repaired.
9 +0 Synapse severed: The bio-ship cannot have its instinctual orders overridden by the Hive Mind until the damage is repaired.
10 +0 Spore cysts ruptured: The bio-ship may no longer use its spore cysts. This damage cannot be repaired.
11 +D3 Severe wound: A huge gash is torn in the ship’s hull, vital fluids freezing instantly as they spill into the void.
12 +D6 Massive haemorrhage: The armoured hide of the ship suffers immense damage, spraying alien ichor far into the void. Make a bio-plasma attack with Strength 1 against any other target within 2D6 cm. Holofields do not protect against this damage.

Tyranid Catastrophic Damage

2D6 Roll Extra Blast Markers Result
2-7 +1 Drifting Carcasse: The wreck moves 4D6 cm forward in each of its subsequent movement phases. Place a blast marker in contact with the corpse’s base after each move.
8-9 +1 Death throes: The wreck moves 4D6 cm forward in each of its subsequent Movement phases. Place a Blast marker in contact with the corpse’s base and roll on the Catastrophic Damage table again after its move.
10-11 Half Damage Biological eruption: Remove the ship from play, leaving behind a number of blast markers equal to half its starting number of hits. Make a pyro- acid attack against every target within 3D6 cm, with a firepower equal to the ship’s starting damage
12 Starting Damage Bio-plasma detonation: Remove the ship from play, leaving behind a number of blast markers equal to its starting number of hits. Make a bio-plasma attack against every target within 3D6 cm, with a Strength equal to half the exploding vessel’s starting damage. Shields and holofields are not effective against the detonation.

Tyranid Weaponry

Pyro-acidic Batteries
Pyro-acidic battery fire is worked out in the same way as an ordinary weapon battery fire. Ships which suffera critical hit from a pyro-acid weapon automatically receive an additional fire critical result as well (it’s not actually a fire, but the long-term effect is comparable). Pyro-acid batteries are affected by special orders and crippling just like ordinary weapon batteries.
Bio-plasma is treated like a lance shot – roll one dice per point of Strength, hitting on a 4+ regardless of armour. Because it is a relatively slow moving attack, bio-plasma ignores shields and is limited in range to 15 cm. Bio-plasma is affected by special orders and crippling just like ordinary lance batteries. Bio-plasma does not ignore holofields or reactive hull saves.
Feeder Tentacles
Many Tyranid ships have huge tentacles which can punch through the hull of a ship allowing the Tyranid organisms inside to assault the enemy. When the ship moves into contact with an enemy ship, it attacks with its feeder tentacles. Roll a D6. On a score of 1, 2 or 3 it makes this many Hit-&-Run attacks on the target. On a score of 4+, deal one point of damage on the ship (which may cause critical damage as normal) and additionally make one Hit-&-Run raid. The Tyranid ship can continue moving after making the feeder tentacle attack and shoot or launch ordnance later in the turn, but may only attack one ship with feeder tentacles per turn.

Feeder tentacles are unaffected by special orders of any kind. If a bio-ship becomes crippled, its feeder tentacles may no longer attack. Feeder tentacles may not attack a ship that made contact during the opponents turn. A Tyranid ship beginning its turn in contact with an enemy ship may make feeder tentacle attacks before continuing its move, as normal.

Massive Claws
When a Tyranid ship armed with Massive Claws moves into base contact with an enemy, roll 2D6 for each pair of massive claws. Each roll of a 4+ inflicts one hit on the target, ignoring shields but not holofields. A Tyranid ship may only attack a single target with its claws per turn.

If the target is hit by claws only 0 or 1 times, the Tyranid ship can continue moving after making the attack and shoot/launch ordnance later in the turn. If the target is hit by two or more attacks, then the Tyranid vessel has grabbed the target and will not let go until either it or its prey is destroyed. Neither vessel can move if they are of the same class or smaller, while a larger class vessel may still move but only at half rate.

The sizes for the purposes of continuing movement while grabbed by Massive Claws are exactly the same as ramming, so from biggest to smallest: Defence > Battleship > Cruiser > Escort

If a ship is grabbed by Massive Claws it cannot attempt to disengage until free of them. Both ships may shoot at half effectiveness (nova cannon and similar special weapons cannot fire). Either ship may conduct boarding actions as normal. In every End phase roll to attack again. Additionally, if any two attacks hit when a vessel is already grappled then it takes a third additional hit. Massive Claw attacks can cause critical hits as normal. Massive Claws are unaffected by special orders of any kind. If a bio-ship becomes crippled its Massive Claws may no longer attack. Massive Claws may not attack a ship that made contact during the opponents turn. However, the Tyranid player can elect in its own turn to immediately attack vessels in base contact with Massive claws instead of moving normally.

Tyranids may only launch boarding torpedoes, fighters, and assault boats (or rather their biological equivalents). It is also possible for the Tyranid fleet to contain ordnance independently of launch bay equipped vessels. For reference, the ordnance speeds are as follows:
Attack Craft Speed
Fighters 20cm
Assault Boats 15cm
Boarding Torpedoes 15cm
Ordnance Limits
Tyranid bio-ships may have up to twice the number of attack craft markers in play as they have available launch bays. However, if a bio-ship becomes crippled its generative capacities will be turned completely to self preservation and it may no longer launch ordnance.


Tyranid ships do not have turrets or shields in the normal sense, and instead rely on emitting a constantly replenished physical barrier of spore clouds. Tyranid vessels have a number of spore clouds which are specified in the bio-ship’s characteristics. If a Tyranid ship is crippled, its spore cyst strength is not affected as the vessel’s self-defence organisms go into over-time to try to protect their host creature.

Spores as Shields
A spore cloud will absorb any hit generated by weapons fire except from those that specifically ignore shields, such as Warp Cannon or Particle Whip rolls of 6. Special weapons designed to affect shields will affect spore clouds in an identical manner. Spore clouds are affected by Blast markers just like shields on an ordinary ship, place a marker in base contact for each cloud that absorbs a hit. Spores will also protect a bio- ship against shooting and potential damage from celestial phenomena in the same manner as shields.

If an enemy ship gets in base contact with a Tyranid vessel it will suffer spore impacts. Enemy vessels treat this similar to blast markers. They lose -5 cm speed and ships with a Shield strength of 0 (i.e. Eldar or ships suffering the Shields Collapse critical) also suffers a point of damage on a D6 roll of 6. However, this test only needs to be done once per Movement phase, regardless of how many Tyranid ships make base contact with the same enemy vessel. If a Tyranid vessel and an enemy vessel end their movement in base contact with each other, a blast marker is placed between the two ships.

Spores as Turrets
If attacked by ordnance a bio-ship treats its spore cysts as the number of turrets it can bring to bear. Each Blast marker in contact with the ship will reduce one spore cloud to hitting on a 6+ instead of 4+. If a spore is already rolling against ordnance that requires 6+ to hit with turrets (such as against Eldar attack craft), being in contact with blast markers has no additional effect.

Unlike normal turret fire, both torpedoes and attack craft can be targeted by the spores in the same turn. Bio-ships can mass their spore cysts in close formation against ordnance as described for other ships, but they do not gain any shielding benefits by doing so. Tyranid spore clouds will NOT intercept Tyranid ordnance. The number of spores a ship has is subtracted from a bomber’s die roll to determine number of attacks made like a true turret value. Blast markers in contact have no effect on this.

Tyranid Hive Fleet List

Tyranids have an attack rating of 3.

Fleet Commander
The Tyranid player may opt to include the direct influence of the Hive Mind in lieu of having a fleet commander. These take the form of Hive Mind Influence re-rolls and Hive Mind Imperatives. Hive Mind Influence re-rolls work in the same way as normal fleet commander re-rolls. Hive Mind Imperatives cause a Command check or Leadership test to be passed automatically. The decision to use a Hive Mind Imperative must be taken before the dice are rolled.
Type Cost Notes
Hive Mind Influence 30 Up to one Hive Mind Influence may be purchased per Hive Ship in the fleet.
Hive Mind Imperative 40 Up to one per two Hive Ships in the fleet (may purchase a single Hive Mind Imperative as long as at least one Hive Ship is present)
Hive Ships
Each hive ship allows the Tyranid player to purchase 6–12 escort ships and 0–2 capital ships
Type Cost Options
Hive Ship (Ld 8) 200 pts May increase Ld to Ld 9 for + 40 pts.
Must have one prow weapon:
  • +30 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +15 pts Feeder tentacles and Massive Claws
  • +20 pts Bio-plasma Spines
  • +25 pts Boarding Torpedoes
Must have one thorax weapon:
  • +30 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +20 pts Bio-plasma Discharge
  • +20 pts Launch Bays
May have up to three port/starboard weapons:
  • +15 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +20 pts Bio-plasma Discharge
  • +20 pts Launch Bays
You may include up to two Cruisers for each Hive Ship in the fleet
Cruiser80 pts Must have one prow weapon:
  • +20 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +10 pts Feeder tentacles
  • +5 pts Massive Claws
  • +10 pts Boarding Torpedoes
Must have one thorax weapon:
  • +10 pts Feeder Tentacles
  • +5 pts Massive Claws
  • +10 Boarding Torpedoes
May have up to two port/starboard weapons:
  • +15 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +20 pts Bio-plasma Discharge
You may include between 6 and 12 escort class ships for each hive ship. If no hive ships are chosen, only Kraken and Vanguard drone ships may be included in the fleet.
Type Cost Options
Vanguard drone ship 20 pts Must be armed with one of the following:
  • +5 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +5 pts Feeder tentacles
Kraken 25 pts Must be armed with one of the following:
  • +15 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +5 pts Feeder tentacles
  • +10 pts Massive Claws
  • +10 pts Bio-plasma Discharge
  • +15 pts Boarding torpedoes
The fleet must have at least six escort drones for every hive ship in the fleet. If desired, this may be in addition to the 6–12 escorts (of any type) that may be taken for every hive ship in the fleet.
Escort drone ship 10 pts Must be armed with one of the following:
  • +10 pts Pyro-acid Battery
  • +5 pts Feeder tentacles
  • +5 pts Bio-plasma discharge
Up to 10 % of the fleet’s points allowance may be spent on Ordnance markers as long as at least one hive ship is chosen.
Strength 4 Boarding Torpedo marker12
Assault boat marker8
Fighter marker7

Tyranid Hive Fleet Forces

Hive Ship Battleship/10 15cm 45° - 5+ 4 Spores
(1 Prow) Pyro-acid Battery 45cm 8 Front
(1 Prow) Feeder Tentacles & Massive Claws Contact Special Front
(1 Prow) Bio-plasma Spines 15cm 4 L/F/R
(1 Prow) Boarding torpedoes 15cm 8 Front
(1 Thorax) Pyro-acid Battery 45cm 8 Front
(1 Thorax) Bio-plasma Spines 15cm 4 L/F/R
(1 Thorax) Launch bay Fighters (20cm) 2
or Assault Boats (15cm)
(0-3 Port/Stbd) Pyro-acid Battery 30cm 4&4 L&R
(0-3 Port/Stbd) Bio-plasma Discharge 15cm 2&2 L&R
(0-3 Port/Stbd) Launch bay Fighters (20cm) 1&1
or Assault Boats (15cm)
  • Synaptic Control

Must choose one Prow and one Thorax weapon at the costs in the fleet list. May choose up to three Port/Stbd weapons at the costs in the fleet list (each Port/Stbd choice includes both port and starboard sides).

Cruiser Cruiser/6 20cm 45° - 5+ 2 Spores
(1 Prow) Pyro-acid Battery 30cm 8 Front
(1 Prow) Feeder Tentacles Contact Special Front
(1 Prow) Massive Claws Contact Special Front
(1 Prow) Boarding torpedoes 15cm 4 Front
(1 Thorax) Feeder Tentacles Contact Special Front
(1 Thorax) Massive Claws Contact Special Front
(1 Thorax) Boarding torpedoes 15cm 4 Front
(0-2 Port/Stbd) Pyro-acid Battery 30cm 4&4 L&R
(0-2 Port/Stbd) Bio-plasma Discharge 15cm 2&2 L&R

Must choose one Prow and one Thorax weapon at the costs in the fleet list. May choose up to two Port/Stbd weapons at the costs in the fleet list (each Port/Stbd choice includes both port and starboard sides). Prow and Thorax boarding torpedoes cannot be combined into a single salvo and must be launched separately.

Vanguard Drone Escort/1 25cm 90° - 5+ 1 Spore
(1) Pyro-acid Battery 30 cm 2 Front
(1) Feeder Tentacles Contact Special Front

Must purchase one weapon at the costs in the fleet list. Enemies within 15 cm of a Vanguard drone ship can always be targeted by other Tyranid vessels.

Escort Drone Escort/1 15cm 45° - 5+ 1 Spore
(1) Pyro-acid Battery 30 cm 4 Front
(1) Feeder Tentacles Contact Special Front
(1) Bio-plasma Discharge 15cm 2 Front

Must purchase one weapon at the costs in the fleet list. Escort drones subject to Instinctive Behaviour case 7 (‘must move towards a planet’) may instead move towards the nearest hive ship. Any ship attempting to fire upon a hive ship suffers -1 Ld when attempting to ignore closer targets if a squadron containing only Escort Drones is in base contact with the hive ship as well as in between the hive ship and the firing vessel.

Kraken Escort/1 25cm 90° - 6+ -
(1) Pyro-acid Battery 30 cm 6 Front
(1) Feeder Tentacles Contact Special Front
(1) Massive Claws Contact Special Front
(1) Bio-plasma Discharge 15cm 2 Front
(1) Boarding torpedoes 15cm 2 Front

Must purchase one weapon at the costs in the fleet list. Kraken have no spore cysts but count as always being on Brace for Impact special orders when they take damage, receiving a 4+ save against each hit sustained, including those sustained when rolling a 6 for moving through blast markers. This ability in no way affects the Kraken and they may use other special orders as normal.

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